How Do You Make A Chai Latte
How Do You Make A Chai Latte

Are you tired of the same old cup of coffee every morning and craving something new to spice up your mornings? Look no further!

In this article, we will share the secret recipe for making a delicious chai latte that will transport you straight to the streets of India. This aromatic beverage will become your new go-to morning pick-me-up with its captivating blend of spices and creamy texture.

So grab your favourite mug, put on your apron, and prepare to embark on a flavorful journey through making a chai latte.

What is a Chai Latte?

A Chai Latte is a delicious beverage that originated in India and has become popular worldwide. It combines the rich and aromatic flavours of traditional Indian spices with brewed tea and milk. “chai” translates to tea in Hindi, while “latte” refers to the milk used to make the drink creamy and satisfying. Chai lattes are known for their warm, comforting, and sweet taste. They are the perfect beverage to enjoy on a chilly day or as a pick-me-up during any time of the day.

Ingredients for Chai Latte

To make a chai latte, you will need a few key ingredients. These include tea leaves, milk, spices, sweeteners, and water. Let’s explore these ingredients in more detail:

Tea Leaves

The first essential ingredient in a chai latte is tea leaves. Traditionally, black tea is used in chai lattes because of its strong flavour that can hold up to spices and milk. However, you can also experiment with other types of tea, such as green tea, rooibos tea, oolong tea, or even herbal tea, to create unique variations of the drink.


The second essential ingredient in a chai latte is milk. Milk adds creaminess and richness to the beverage, balancing out the intense flavours of the tea and spices. Whole milk is commonly used in chai lattes for a decadent texture, but you can also use alternative milk options such as almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk, or oat milk for a dairy-free or vegan version.


Spices are the heart and soul of a chai latte. They give the drink its characteristic warmth and complexity of flavour. Typical spices used in chai lattes include cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, ginger, and black pepper. These spices can be adjusted to suit personal preferences and create different flavour profiles.


A sweetener is usually added to enhance the sweetness of a chai latte. Traditional sweeteners include sugar or honey, but alternatives like maple syrup or agave nectar can also be used. The amount of sweetener can be adjusted according to taste.


Lastly, water is needed to brew the tea and infuse it with the spices. Make sure to use fresh, filtered water for the best taste.

Traditional Chai Latte Recipe

Now that we understand the key ingredients let’s dive into a traditional chai latte recipe. Follow these steps to make a steaming cup of authentic chai latte:

Step 1: Boil Water

In a saucepan, bring water to a boil. The amount of water needed depends on how many servings you want. Usually, a ratio of 1 cup of water to 1 tea bag or a teaspoon of loose tea leaves is a good starting point.

Step 2: Add Tea Leaves

Once the water is boiling, add tea leaves to the saucepan. If using tea bags, you can drop them into the water. You can use loose tea leaves with a tea strainer or chai infuser ball to contain the leaves while they steep.

Step 3: Add Spices

Next, it’s time to add the spices. This is where you can get creative and adjust the flavours to your liking. Add a few whole cloves, a small piece of cinnamon bark, crushed cardamom pods, and a pinch of ginger and black pepper. Feel free to increase or decrease the amounts depending on your taste preferences.

Step 4: Brew the Tea

Allow the tea leaves and spices to steep in the boiling water for 5-7 minutes. This will help extract the flavours and create a strong base for your chai latte. Make sure to cover the saucepan to prevent evaporation.

Step 5: Add Milk

After brewing the tea, it’s time to add the milk. Pour in your desired amount of milk, considering it should roughly equal the water used. Stir gently to mix the tea, spices, and milk.

Step 6: Sweeten Your Chai

To sweeten your chai latte, add your preferred sweetener. Start with a small amount and taste as you go to achieve the perfect level of sweetness. Stir well to ensure the sweetener is fully incorporated.

Step 7: Strain and Serve

Carefully strain the chai latte into your favourite mug or cup using a tea strainer. This will help remove loose tea leaves, spices, or milk solids. Garnish with a cinnamon or nutmeg sprinkle for an extra flavour and presentation touch. Now, your homemade chai latte is ready to be enjoyed!

Variations of Chai Latte

While the traditional chai latte recipe is delightful on its own, there are numerous variations you can explore to create exciting and unique flavours. Here are a few popular variations to try:

Honey or Maple Syrup Chai Latte

For a natural and slightly different sweetness, replace the traditional sweeteners with a drizzle of honey or maple syrup. These alternatives add a touch of richness and depth to the flavour profile.

Vanilla Chai Latte

Indulge in vanilla’s smooth and aromatic taste by adding a vanilla extract or syrup to your chai latte. This variation adds a layer of sweetness and a delightful fragrance to the drink.

Chocolate Chai Latte

For chocolate lovers, a chocolate chai latte is the ultimate treat. Melt a few pieces of chocolate into your hot chai latte, or add a tablespoon of cocoa powder while brewing the tea. This variation adds a rich and luxurious quality to the drink.

Matcha Chai Latte

Combine the goodness of chai and matcha tea by adding a teaspoon or two of matcha powder to your chai latte. Matcha powder is packed with antioxidants and gives the drink a vibrant green colour. It creates a unique fusion of flavours and a slight caffeine boost.

Iced Chai Latte

If you prefer a refreshing and chilled beverage, you can quickly adapt the traditional recipe to make an iced chai latte. Follow the steps for brewing the tea and spices, then let the mixture cool and refrigerate until cold. Serve over ice, and add your choice of milk. This variation is perfect for hot summer days or when you need an excellent pick-me-up.

Different Tea Options for Chai Latte

While black tea is the traditional base for chai lattes, you can experiment with other types of tea to discover new and exciting flavours. Here are a few options to consider:

Black Tea

Black tea is the classic choice for chai lattes due to its robust and bold flavour. Its deep and malty notes complement the spices and milk, creating a harmonious blend of tastes.

Green Tea

Green tea can be a base for a lighter and more delicate chai latte. Green tea offers a slightly grassy and fresh taste that pairs well with the spices. It provides a refreshing twist to the traditional recipe.

Rooibos Tea

Rooibos tea, red tea, is a caffeine-free herbal tea from South Africa. It has a naturally sweet and nutty flavour that adds depth to a chai latte. Rooibos chai lattes are an excellent choice for those looking for a caffeine-free alternative.

Oolong Tea

Oolong tea falls between black and green tea regarding flavour and oxidation. It offers diverse flavours, from floral and fruity to toasty and earthy. Using oolong tea as a base for a chai latte adds complexity and depth to the drink.

Herbal Tea

Herbal teas, such as chamomile, peppermint, or hibiscus, can create unique variations of chai lattes. These teas bring their own distinct flavours and health benefits to the mix. Experiment with different herbal teas to find your favourite combination.

Choosing the Right Spices for Chai Latte

The spices used in a chai latte give it its signature taste and aroma. Here are the essential spices commonly found in chai lattes and their role in creating the perfect flavour profile:


Cinnamon is one of the most prominent spices in a chai latte. It provides warmth and a hint of sweetness to the drink. The aromatic notes of cinnamon can also aid in digestion and are known to have numerous health benefits.


Cardamom is a highly aromatic spice with a unique and slightly sweet flavour. It adds a refreshing and floral quality to a chai latte. Cardamom is known for its digestive properties and is often used in Ayurvedic medicine for its natural healing properties.


Cloves offer a warm and earthy flavour to a chai latte. They have a strong aroma and lend a rich depth to the drink. Cloves are also known for their analgesic and antibacterial properties.


Ginger adds a spicy and savoury kick to a chai latte. It provides a pleasant heat and helps balance the sweetness of the milk and other spices. Ginger is often used to soothe digestion and boost the immune system.

Black Pepper

Black pepper may seem unusual in a sweet drink, but it adds a subtle heat and brings out the flavours of the other spices. It contributes to the complexity and depth of a chai latte and can positively affect digestion and metabolism.

Feel free to adjust the amounts of these spices to suit your taste preferences. You can also experiment with additional spices, such as nutmeg, allspice, or star anise to create your unique blend.

Milk Options for Chai Latte

The choice of milk in a chai latte can significantly impact its taste and texture. Here are a few milk options to consider:

Whole Milk

Whole milk is the most traditional choice for a chai latte. Its full-fat content adds richness and creaminess to the beverage. The fats in whole milk also help enhance the flavours of the tea and spices.

Almond Milk

For those who prefer a dairy-free option, almond milk is popular. It has a slightly nutty flavour that complements the spices in a chai latte. Almond milk adds a creamy and smooth texture to the drink.

Soy Milk

Soy milk is another dairy-free alternative that works well in chai lattes. It has a mild and subtle taste that allows the flavours of the tea and spices to shine through. Soy milk is an excellent option for those with nut allergies.

Coconut Milk

To add a tropical twist to your chai latte, coconut milk can be used. It imparts a rich and creamy texture with a hint of coconut flavour. Coconut milk pairs well with the spices, creating a luscious and indulgent drink.

Oat Milk

Oat milk is a relatively new addition to the milk options for chai lattes. It has a naturally sweet taste and a creamy consistency. Oat milk can add a velvety smoothness to the drink and is a good choice for those looking for a dairy-free and nut-free alternative.

Experiment with different milk options to find your preferred flavours and textures.

Equipment You’ll Need

You’ll need a few essential pieces of equipment to make a chai latte at home. Here’s what you’ll need:


A saucepan is essential for boiling water, brewing the tea, and combining all the ingredients. Choose a size that can accommodate the amount of liquid you plan to make.

Tea Strainer

A tea strainer or infuser is necessary to strain the chai latte and remove any loose tea leaves or spices. Use a fine-mesh strainer or chai infuser ball to ensure a smooth and enjoyable drinking experience.


A whisk can stir the chai latte and ensure all the ingredients are well mixed. It helps create a frothy and consistent texture.

Mug or Cup

Choose a favourite mug or cup to serve your chai latte. Ensure it can withstand hot liquids and is large enough to hold your desired serving size.

Optional: Frother

Consider using a frother if you prefer your chai latte to have a frothy top. Frothers are handheld devices that whisk milk or milk alternatives to create foam. They can give your homemade chai latte a professional finish.

Tips and Tricks for the Perfect Chai Latte

To elevate your chai latte-making skills, here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind:

Use Fresh Ingredients

Using fresh, high-quality ingredients will significantly enhance the flavour of your chai latte. Opt for freshly ground spices, loose tea leaves, and good-quality milk for the best possible taste.

Adjust Sweetness and Spice

Everyone’s tastes are different, so feel free to adjust the sweetness and spice levels according to your liking. Add more or less sweetener and spices until you achieve your desired flavour profile.

Experiment with Ratios

Water, tea leaves, spices, and milk ratios can be adjusted to suit individual preferences. Some prefer a more robust tea flavour, while others enjoy a creamier texture. Play around with different ratios until you find your perfect chai latte balance.

Don’t Overheat the Milk

When adding milk to your chai latte, avoid overheating it. Heating milk too much can cause it to scorch or curdle. Keep an eye on the temperature and remove the saucepan from the heat when the milk reaches your desired warmth.

Garnish with Cinnamon or Nutmeg

For extra flavour and visual appeal, sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon or nutmeg on your chai latte before serving. This adds a lovely aroma and lends an inviting look to the drink.


In conclusion, a chai latte is a delightful, warm, and comforting beverage combining tea, spices, milk, and sweetener. With simple ingredients and the proper techniques, you can create your homemade chai latte that suits your taste preferences.

Whether you prefer the traditional recipe or want to explore exciting variations, the possibilities are endless. You can customise your chai latte to your heart’s content, from honey or maple syrup lattes to chocolate or matcha lattes. So why not grab a saucepan, gather your favourite spices, and start brewing a delicious chai latte to savour and enjoy? Cheers!

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John Richard
Hello, tea lovers! My name is John Richard, and I am honored to be a part of the tea community here at Tea Hee. As an Tea Consultant and Tea Expert, I have dedicated my life to exploring the vast world of tea and sharing my knowledge and passion with others. With several esteemed prizes and awards under my belt, I am humbled to have been recognized for my expertise in the industry. This recognition has further fueled my commitment to providing you with the highest quality tea experiences and helping you discover new flavors and sensations. With a wealth of experience in the tea industry, I have had the pleasure of working with renowned tea masters and tea gardens from around the globe. This has allowed me to develop a deep understanding of the intricate art of tea cultivation, processing, and brewing techniques, which I am thrilled to share with you through our carefully curated tea selections.