how is tea harvested 3
how is tea harvested 3

Tea, a beloved beverage worldwide, has a fascinating journey from leaf to cup. Have you ever wondered how tea is harvested? In this article, we will uncover the intriguing process behind tea harvesting, from the skilled hands of the pickers to the careful selection of leaves, ensuring the highest quality in every brew.

How Is Tea Harvested?

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The History of Tea Harvesting

Origins of tea harvesting

Tea, as a beverage, has been enjoyed for centuries. The history of tea harvesting can be traced back to ancient China, where it was first discovered by Emperor Shen Nong in 2737 BC. Legend has it that while sitting under a tea tree, a leaf fell into his boiling water and created a delightful aroma. Intrigued by its fragrance and taste, he decided to try it and was pleasantly surprised by the brew. Thus, tea became a beloved drink in China.

Tea cultivation in different regions and cultures

As tea grew in popularity, its cultivation and harvesting methods spread beyond China’s borders. It found its way to various regions and cultures, each adapting the planting and harvesting techniques to suit their climates and traditions. In Japan, for example, tea cultivation began in the 9th century and was heavily influenced by Zen Buddhist practices. In India, tea became a significant crop during British colonization, with Assam and Darjeeling becoming renowned tea-producing regions.

The evolution of tea harvesting techniques

Over the centuries, tea harvesting techniques have evolved and improved. Initially, tea leaves were plucked by hand, a method that has its roots in ancient traditions. This manual process allowed for careful selection and delicate handling of the leaves. However, as tea production increased and the demand grew, farmers began exploring mechanical means to expedite the harvesting process. Today, a combination of hand picking and mechanical methods is employed, depending on the type of tea and the region it is grown.

Different Types of Tea Plants

Camellia sinensis var. sinensis

The Camellia sinensis var. sinensis is a tea plant variety commonly found in China. It is known for its smaller leaves and delicate flavor. This variety thrives in cooler climates and is often used to produce green teas such as Dragon Well and Biluochun.

Camellia sinensis var. assamica

The Camellia sinensis var. assamica, on the other hand, is native to the Assam region in India. It has larger leaves and is better suited for warmer and more humid climates. Assam tea is known for its strong and robust flavor, making it ideal for black teas like English Breakfast and Earl Grey.

Other tea subspecies

In addition to the two main tea plant varieties, there are other subspecies that contribute to the diverse world of tea. For instance, the tea plant variety known as Camellia sinensis var. cambodiensis is mostly found in Southeast Asia and produces teas with unique characteristics. The tea plant species Camellia taliensis is native to Yunnan, China, and is utilized to produce Pu-erh teas, which undergo a unique fermentation process.

Factors Affecting Tea Harvesting

Climate and weather conditions

Tea plants are affected by the climate and weather conditions in which they are grown. The ideal temperature range for tea cultivation is between 15°C and 30°C (59°F – 86°F). The combination of warm days and cool nights promotes optimal growth and flavor development in the leaves. Additionally, tea plants generally require a sufficient amount of rainfall, ideally around 1500 to 2000mm (59 to 79 inches) annually, although this can vary depending on the tea variety.

Altitude and geographical location

The altitude and geographical location of tea gardens significantly influence the quality and flavor profile of tea. High-altitude regions, such as the Darjeeling region in India or the Uva region in Sri Lanka, often produce teas with a more delicate and nuanced flavor due to slower leaf growth and increased exposure to sunlight. On the other hand, lower-altitude regions like Assam in India or the Fujian province in China yield teas with bolder and stronger flavors.

Soil composition and fertility

Tea plants thrive in well-drained soils rich in organic matter. The soil composition and fertility levels play a crucial role in the growth and development of tea plants. The presence of essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium contributes to healthy leaf growth and flavor. Farmers often conduct regular soil testing to ensure optimal conditions for tea cultivation.

Pest and disease control

Tea plants are susceptible to various pests and diseases, which can adversely affect their growth and yield. To protect the plants, farmers employ pest and disease control measures. These may include the use of organic or chemical pesticides, biological control methods such as introducing natural predators, or practicing crop rotation to minimize the risk of disease outbreaks.

Seasonal Patterns for Tea Harvesting

First flush or spring harvest

The first flush, also known as the spring harvest, is considered the most prestigious tea harvest of the year. It usually takes place in the early spring, just after the tea plants emerge from their dormant period. The leaves picked during this time are known for their delicate flavors and vibrant green appearance. The first flush teas are highly sought after and often command a higher price in the market.

Second flush or summer harvest

The second flush or summer harvest occurs a few weeks after the first flush. The warm weather and increased sunlight during this period result in a rapid growth spurt for the tea plants. The leaves harvested during the second flush are fuller in flavor and often exhibit a rich golden or amber hue. This harvest is known for producing teas with a balanced and robust taste.

Autumnal flush or autumn harvest

The autumnal flush, also referred to as the autumn harvest, takes place in the cooler months of autumn. The leaves harvested during this time have a unique character, with a mellow and smooth taste. Though the autumnal flush is less commonly seen than the first and second flushes, it offers distinct flavors that tea connoisseurs appreciate.

Winter harvest

In certain regions with mild winters, tea harvesting continues even during the winter months. The winter harvest produces teas with a unique flavor profile, often described as crisp and refreshing. As the growth of tea plants slows down in colder weather, the leaves harvested during winter tend to be smaller and less abundant.

How Is Tea Harvested?

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Hand Picking Method

Origin and tradition of hand picking

The hand picking method of tea harvesting has a long-standing tradition rooted in the history of tea. Hand plucking allows workers to selectively choose the most tender leaves, ensuring the highest quality tea. This meticulous process has been passed down through generations, preserving the artistry and expertise required to achieve the desired flavor.

Selection of skilled tea pluckers

Hand picking tea leaves requires a high level of skill and precision. Skilled tea pluckers are trained to identify the optimal leaves for harvest based on their size, color, and maturity. These experienced individuals play a vital role in maintaining the quality and consistency of the tea produced.

Techniques for hand plucking

There are various hand plucking techniques employed by tea pluckers depending on the type of tea being harvested. In general, the plucker carefully selects the bud and two leaves, taking care not to damage neighboring leaves or stems. Leaves are often plucked in batches and collected in baskets or woven bags, which are then transported to the processing facility.

Advantages and disadvantages of hand picking

Hand picking offers several advantages in terms of tea quality. The selective nature of hand plucking ensures that only the best leaves are harvested, resulting in teas with superior flavor and aroma. Additionally, hand picking allows for greater control over the leaf quality, as damaged or immature leaves can be easily discarded. However, hand picking is a labor-intensive process, requiring a significant workforce and increasing production costs.

Mechanical Picking Method

Introduction of mechanical harvesting

As the demand for tea grew rapidly, farmers sought ways to expedite the harvesting process. The introduction of mechanical harvesting offered a solution by mechanizing some or all aspects of tea plucking. Mechanical harvesting equipment enabled tea gardens to increase productivity, reduce labor costs, and cater to the rising demand for tea.

Types of machinery used

A variety of machinery is utilized for mechanical tea harvesting. One common method involves the use of hedge trimmers or shearing machines to cut the leaves. These machines are designed to mimic the hand plucking motion and can be manually operated or attached to tractors. Another method utilizes harvesters equipped with oscillating blades, which move back and forth to cut the leaves efficiently.

Benefits and limitations of mechanical picking

Mechanical tea picking offers several advantages in terms of efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Large tea estates or plantations that require mass production often rely on mechanical methods to meet demand. Mechanical harvesting significantly reduces the need for manual labor, allowing for higher yields and faster harvesting times. However, mechanical picking can be less selective than hand picking, potentially resulting in a lower-quality harvest. It can also be challenging to navigate steep terrains or densely planted areas with mechanical equipment, limiting its application in certain tea-growing regions.

How Is Tea Harvested?

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Processing After Harvest


After harvest, tea leaves undergo a series of processing steps. One of the initial steps is withering, where the freshly harvested leaves are spread out and exposed to air. This process removes excess moisture from the leaves and softens their texture. Withering can be carried out naturally, by allowing the leaves to air dry, or artificially, using withering machines that control temperature and humidity levels.


Once withered, the tea leaves are rolled to break down their tissues and initiate oxidation. Rolling can be done by hand, where the leaves are rubbed or twisted with gentle pressure, or mechanically, using rolling machines. This step helps to release enzymes in the leaves, which react with oxygen and trigger the oxidation process.


In the case of black and oolong teas, fermentation, or oxidation, is an essential step. Oxidation is facilitated by allowing the rolled leaves to react with air for a specific duration, typically a few hours. During this process, the leaves’ color changes, flavors develop, and tannins are released, resulting in the characteristic aroma and taste associated with black and oolong teas.


After fermentation, the leaves are dried to halt the oxidation process and reduce the moisture content. Drying can be achieved through various methods, including traditional methods such as pan-firing or drying in the sun, as well as modern methods utilizing drying machines. The objective is to remove moisture while preserving the tea’s flavors and aromas.

Sorting and grading

Once the leaves are dried, they undergo sorting and grading based on various criteria such as size, appearance, and quality. Sorting helps separate different leaf grades and ensures consistency within a specific tea type. Higher-grade teas are often composed of whole or larger leaves, while lower-grade teas may contain broken or smaller leaf particles.

Harvesting Tea for Different Types

Green tea

Green tea is harvested when the leaves are young and tender, typically in the early spring or before the rainy season. The leaves are carefully hand plucked to preserve their delicate nature. After harvesting, green tea leaves undergo minimal processing, allowing them to retain their natural green color and fresh flavor.

Black tea

Black tea is typically harvested during the second flush or summer harvest when the leaves are more mature. Both hand picking and mechanical methods are used for black tea harvesting, depending on the tea estate’s scale and location. After harvesting, the leaves go through a full oxidation process, resulting in their characteristic dark color and robust flavor.

Oolong tea

Oolong tea is harvested when the leaves have slightly matured but are not fully matured like those used for black tea. The time of harvest varies depending on the desired oolong tea style, ranging from light and floral to dark and rich. Oolong tea leaves are typically hand picked, allowing for the careful selection of partially oxidized leaves.

White tea

White tea is known for its delicate flavors and minimal processing. It is harvested from the young buds and leaves, usually in early spring or late winter. Hand picking is the preferred method for white tea as it ensures the careful selection of young and unopened leaves. The leaves undergo minimal processing, involving withering and drying, to preserve their natural appearance and light flavors.

Pu-erh tea

Pu-erh tea is a unique type of tea that undergoes a post-fermentation process. The leaves used for Pu-erh tea can come from various harvests, including spring, summer, and autumn. Both hand picking and mechanical methods are employed for Pu-erh tea harvesting, depending on the desired leaf composition. The post-harvest fermentation process is a crucial step in producing Pu-erh tea’s distinct earthy flavors.

Herbal and flavoured teas

Herbal and flavored teas encompass a wide range of plant-based infusions and blends. The harvesting methods for these teas can vary depending on the ingredients used. In some cases, herbs and flowers are harvested when they are at their peak, dried, and then blended with tea leaves or used alone. Other flavored teas may utilize mechanical harvesting methods for the tea base and then incorporate natural or artificial flavors during the production process.

How Is Tea Harvested?

Fair Trade and Sustainable Tea Harvesting

Issues in the tea industry

The tea industry, like any other agricultural sector, faces various challenges concerning fair trade and sustainability. Issues such as low wages, poor working conditions, and exploitation of labor are prevalent in certain regions. Furthermore, unsustainable farming practices, including excessive use of pesticides and deforestation, can have detrimental effects on the environment and surrounding ecosystems.

Fair trade certifications and initiatives

To address these issues, fair trade certifications and initiatives have been established to promote ethical and sustainable tea production. Fair trade organizations ensure that tea farmers receive fair wages, work in safe conditions, and have access to education and healthcare. These certifications also promote environmental stewardship, encouraging farmers to adhere to sustainable farming practices and protect natural resources.

Sustainability practices in tea cultivation

Sustainability practices in tea cultivation encompass a wide range of initiatives. Some tea estates focus on organic farming methods, avoiding synthetic pesticides and fertilizers to minimize environmental impact. Others implement water conservation techniques, such as rainwater harvesting or drip irrigation systems, to reduce water usage. Additionally, reforestation efforts, biodiversity conservation, and community engagement projects are increasingly embraced to ensure long-term sustainability in tea production.

Future Innovations in Tea Harvesting

Technology advancements

With technological advancements, the future of tea harvesting holds promising possibilities. Drones equipped with cameras and sensors can be utilized for aerial monitoring and analysis of tea gardens, providing valuable insights into plant health and growth patterns. Remote sensing technologies, such as satellite imagery and infrared scanning, can help detect and address issues like pest infestation or nutrient deficiencies.

Robotics and automation

The advancement of robotics and automation in agriculture is gradually making its way into the tea industry. Prototype robotic tea pickers have been developed, mimicking the motion and precision of skilled human pluckers. These machines have the potential to increase efficiency and alleviate labor shortages in tea plantations.

Biological pest control

With increased awareness of the environmental impact of chemical pesticides, there is a growing interest in biological pest control methods for tea cultivation. Natural predators, such as specific insects or birds, can be introduced to tea gardens to control pest populations. This approach reduces the reliance on synthetic pesticides and promotes a more balanced ecosystem within tea plantations.

Precision agriculture

Precision agriculture involves the use of advanced technologies and data analytics to optimize farming practices. In the context of tea harvesting, precision agriculture can aid in efficient resource management, allowing farmers to precisely determine the optimal timing and techniques for harvest. This data-driven approach can enhance the quality and yield of tea crops while minimizing waste and environmental impact.

As technology continues to advance, it will undoubtedly impact the future of tea harvesting, making it more sustainable, efficient, and productive. However, it is essential to strike a balance between technological advancements and the preservation of traditional harvesting methods, ensuring that the artistry and heritage of tea cultivation are not lost. With such a dynamic industry, the future of tea harvesting holds great potential for innovation and growth.

How Is Tea Harvested?

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John Richard
Hello, tea lovers! My name is John Richard, and I am honored to be a part of the tea community here at Tea Hee. As an Tea Consultant and Tea Expert, I have dedicated my life to exploring the vast world of tea and sharing my knowledge and passion with others. With several esteemed prizes and awards under my belt, I am humbled to have been recognized for my expertise in the industry. This recognition has further fueled my commitment to providing you with the highest quality tea experiences and helping you discover new flavors and sensations. With a wealth of experience in the tea industry, I have had the pleasure of working with renowned tea masters and tea gardens from around the globe. This has allowed me to develop a deep understanding of the intricate art of tea cultivation, processing, and brewing techniques, which I am thrilled to share with you through our carefully curated tea selections.