jing tea organic sustainably sourced tea 2
jing tea organic sustainably sourced tea 2

Experience the purest flavors of nature with JING Tea’s delicious range of organic, sustainably sourced teas. From aromatic black teas to delicate white teas, JING Tea takes pride in sourcing the finest leaves from around the world, ensuring a high-quality brew every time. As you sit back and savor the rich flavors that dance on your palate, you can be confident that you are indulging in a truly mindful and eco-friendly tea experience. Dive into the world of JING Tea and embrace the tranquility that a cup of their exquisite tea brings to your day.

About JING Tea


JING Tea has a rich history that stretches back to 2004. It was founded by Edward Eisler and his partner in London with the aim of sourcing and distributing the highest quality teas from around the world. Their passion for tea and dedication to quality has made JING Tea a renowned brand, known for its exceptional taste and commitment to sustainability.


At JING Tea, our mission is to connect tea lovers with the finest teas, showcasing the true character and diversity of each tea region. We strive to provide an exceptional tea experience that is both ethically and sustainably sourced, focusing on the quality of the leaves and the well-being of the communities who cultivate them. We believe that tea should be a source of pleasure and inspiration, creating moments of tranquility and exploration.


JING Tea is built on a foundation of values that guide our every decision and action. We are committed to sourcing teas directly from farmers, forming long-lasting relationships that ensure fair pay and support for their communities. We are dedicated to sustainable practices, minimizing our environmental impact and promoting biodiversity. We value transparency, integrity, and craftsmanship, upholding the highest standards in every aspect of tea production. Finally, we believe in sharing knowledge and fostering a deep appreciation for tea, encouraging exploration and education.

Organic Tea


JING Tea is proud to offer a range of USDA-certified organic teas. This certification guarantees that the teas are cultivated without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers. Our organic teas are grown in harmony with nature, ensuring that they are free from harmful chemicals and retain their natural flavors and health benefits.


Organic teas offer numerous benefits for both the environment and your well-being. By choosing organic, you support sustainable farming practices that protect soil health, preserve biodiversity, and reduce pollution. Organic teas are also rich in antioxidants and nutrients, promoting good health and vitality. They are free from artificial additives, making them a pure and natural choice for tea lovers seeking a healthier lifestyle.

Range of Organic Tea

JING Tea offers a wide variety of organic teas to suit every preference and occasion. From delicate green teas to bold black teas, floral white teas to complex oolong teas, and soothing herbal infusions, we have curated a collection that showcases the diverse flavors and aromas of the world’s finest teas. Whether you’re looking for a refreshing and invigorating cup or a soothing and calming blend, our range of organic teas has something to satisfy every tea lover.

Sustainable Sourcing

Direct Trade Relationships

At JING Tea, we believe in forging direct trade relationships with tea farmers around the world. This direct sourcing approach allows us to work closely with the farmers, ensuring fair pay and transparency in the supply chain. By cutting out the middlemen, we establish long-lasting partnerships and create a positive impact on the communities where the tea is grown. We visit our tea gardens regularly, nurturing these relationships and ensuring that our teas are grown and harvested with the utmost care.

Environmentally Friendly Practices

Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do at JING Tea. We are committed to minimizing our impact on the environment by implementing environmentally friendly practices throughout the entire tea production process. From using renewable energy sources to reducing water usage and waste, we strive to be as eco-friendly as possible. We prioritize biodiversity conservation and work towards maintaining healthy ecosystems on our tea farms. By choosing JING Tea, you can enjoy your favorite cup of tea with the knowledge that it has been sustainably sourced.

Community Support

JING Tea is dedicated to supporting the communities where our teas are grown. We believe in fair trade and providing opportunities for socioeconomic development. By sourcing directly from farmers, we ensure that they receive fair compensation for their hard work and investment in their tea gardens. We also invest in community projects, such as education and healthcare initiatives, to improve the lives of tea farmers and their families. Our commitment to community support extends beyond financial assistance, as we foster relationships built on trust, respect, and shared values.

JING Tea - Organic, Sustainably Sourced Tea

Tea Varieties

Green Tea

Green tea is known for its fresh and delicate flavor profile. It undergoes minimal oxidation, preserving its vibrant green color and natural antioxidants. Rich in catechins and polyphenols, green tea offers numerous health benefits, including boosting metabolism, aiding in weight management, and enhancing brain function. With its light and refreshing taste, green tea is perfect for a calming and revitalizing tea experience.

Black Tea

Black tea is one of the most popular tea varieties worldwide, known for its rich and robust flavor. It undergoes full oxidation, resulting in a deep amber color and bold taste. Black tea contains theaflavins and thearubigins, which contribute to its distinct flavor and offer potential health benefits, including promoting heart health, improving digestion, and providing an energy boost. Enjoy a cup of black tea to awaken your senses and indulge in its comforting and invigorating aroma.

White Tea

White tea is the least processed tea variety, with delicate leaves that are hand-picked and carefully dried. It is known for its subtle and sweet flavor, often accompanied by floral and fruity notes. White tea is rich in antioxidants, such as catechins and flavonoids, which may help protect against oxidative stress and promote skin health. Delight in the gentle and nuanced taste of white tea, which offers a truly exquisite tea experience.

Oolong Tea

Oolong tea strikes a balance between the freshness of green tea and the complexity of black tea. It is partially oxidized, resulting in a wide range of flavors and aromas. Oolong tea offers a unique combination of floral, fruity, and woody notes, with each variety exhibiting its own distinct character. This tea variety is known for its potential health benefits, including aiding in weight management, supporting digestion, and promoting healthy skin. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of oolong tea and discover its captivating flavors.

Herbal Infusions

Herbal infusions, also known as tisanes, encompass a wide variety of teas that do not contain leaves from the Camellia sinensis plant. Instead, these infusions are made from dried flowers, herbs, fruits, and spices, resulting in a diverse range of flavors and aromatic blends. Herbal infusions offer a caffeine-free alternative to traditional teas and are often enjoyed for their soothing and therapeutic properties. From chamomile to peppermint, hibiscus to ginger, herbal infusions provide a comforting and flavorful tea experience.

Tea Farming and Processing

Tea Farming Methods

At JING Tea, we prioritize sustainable and ethical tea farming methods. We work closely with our partner farmers to ensure that they use environmentally friendly practices, such as organic cultivation and minimal use of machinery. Our tea gardens are carefully tended, with farmers employing traditional and time-honored techniques to nurture the tea plants and enhance flavor development. By embracing these farming methods, we ensure that our teas are of the highest quality and promote biodiversity on our farms.

Harvesting and Processing Techniques

Harvesting and processing tea leaves are key steps in tea production that greatly influence the flavor and aroma of the final product. At JING Tea, we emphasize hand-picking and selective harvesting to ensure that only the finest leaves are chosen. This meticulous process allows us to capture the optimum essence of the tea leaves and maintain their integrity. The leaves are then processed using methods specific to each tea type, including withering, rolling, oxidation, and drying. Through careful control of these techniques, we create teas that are distinct in flavor and character.

Quality Control

Maintaining exceptional quality is of utmost importance to JING Tea. We implement rigorous quality control measures throughout the tea production process to ensure that our teas meet the highest standards. From the moment the leaves are hand-plucked to the packaging stage, our team of experts conducts sensory evaluations and laboratory tests to assess the appearance, aroma, taste, and overall quality of each batch of tea. By adhering to strict quality control, we guarantee that every cup of JING Tea is a testament to our commitment to excellence.

Packaging and Quality Assurance

Packaging Materials

JING Tea takes great care in selecting sustainable packaging materials that protect the integrity and freshness of our teas. We prioritize the use of biodegradable and recyclable packaging, reducing our environmental impact and contributing to a healthier planet. Our tea bags are made from compostable materials, ensuring that they can be safely disposed of after use. Through responsible packaging choices, we aim to preserve the quality of our teas while also minimizing waste.

Ensuring Freshness and Quality

To guarantee the freshness and quality of our teas, JING Tea employs various measures throughout the packaging and storage process. We carefully seal our teas in airtight packages, protecting them from light, moisture, and air that can compromise their taste and aroma. Our teas are stored in temperature-controlled environments to preserve their optimal flavor profiles. These meticulous steps ensure that every cup of JING Tea delivers a consistently delightful experience, true to its original quality.

Health Benefits of Tea

Antioxidant Properties

Tea is naturally rich in antioxidants, which are beneficial compounds that help protect the body from harmful free radicals. These antioxidants, such as catechins and flavonoids, can help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, promoting overall health and well-being. Regularly consuming tea as part of a balanced diet may contribute to a stronger immune system, healthier skin, and improved cellular function.

Boosting Immune System

Certain types of teas, such as green tea, are known for their immune-boosting properties. They contain polyphenols and other bioactive compounds that strengthen the immune system, potentially reducing the risk of infections and diseases. Incorporating tea into your daily routine can provide a natural and wholesome way to support your immune health.

Promoting Digestion

Teas, especially herbal infusions, have long been used to aid digestion. Many herbs and botanicals used in tea blends possess soothing properties that can help alleviate digestive discomfort and promote proper digestion. For example, chamomile and peppermint teas are often enjoyed to soothe an upset stomach or relieve bloating. A warm cup of tea after a meal can be a gentle and comforting way to support digestive wellness.

Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Tea has been cherished for centuries as a calming beverage, known to have a relaxing effect on both the mind and body. The ritual of brewing and savoring a cup of tea can help create a mindful and peaceful experience, allowing you to unwind and reduce stress. Certain teas, such as chamomile, lavender, and lemon balm, have natural calming properties that can help soothe anxiety and promote relaxation.

Improving Heart Health

Studies have suggested that regular tea consumption, particularly green and black teas, may have positive effects on heart health. The antioxidants present in tea can help reduce cholesterol levels, decrease blood pressure, and improve blood vessel function. By incorporating tea into a heart-healthy lifestyle, you can potentially reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and maintain a healthy heart.

Brewing the Perfect Cup

Water Quality and Temperature

The quality of water used for brewing tea greatly affects the final taste and aroma. It is essential to use fresh, filtered water that is free from impurities and excessive minerals. The temperature of the water varies according to the type of tea being brewed. Delicate green and white teas require lower temperatures around 175°F (79°C), while black teas and herbal infusions thrive at higher temperatures around 205°F (96°C). By using the appropriate water and temperature, you can unlock the full potential of each tea’s flavor profile.

Correct Tea-to-Water Ratio

Finding the right tea-to-water ratio is crucial for achieving the desired strength and flavor in your cup of tea. The general guideline is to use one teaspoon of loose tea leaves or one tea bag per 8-ounce (240 ml) cup of water. However, you can adjust the amount to suit your personal taste preferences. Experimenting and fine-tuning the tea-to-water ratio will enable you to create a customized and satisfying brew that suits your palate.

Steeping Time

The duration of steeping time is another essential factor that determines the strength and taste of your tea. Steeping tea for too short a time may result in a weak and flavorless brew, while steeping for too long can lead to bitterness and astringency. Different types of teas have their own recommended steeping times, typically ranging from 2 to 5 minutes. It is important to follow the instructions provided with each tea or experiment until you find the perfect steeping time that suits your taste preferences.

Teaware and Accessories

Choosing the right teaware and accessories can enhance your tea-drinking experience. Invest in a high-quality teapot, tea infuser, or teacup that allows for proper infusion and enjoyment of the tea’s aroma and color. Tea enthusiasts may also appreciate the use of a tea timer, tea thermometer, and tea tray to ensure precision and authenticity in their tea rituals. By selecting teaware and accessories that resonate with you, you can elevate the brewing process and fully immerse yourself in the world of tea.

Tea Culture and Rituals

Traditional Tea Ceremonies

Tea has a long and cherished history, rooted in traditional tea ceremonies that embody reverence, mindfulness, and cultural heritage. From Japanese tea ceremonies to Chinese Gongfu tea ceremonies, these rituals symbolize harmony, respect, and tranquility. Traditional tea ceremonies involve meticulous preparation, precise pouring, and ritualistic gestures that create a sense of connection with nature, oneself, and others. Participating in or observing a traditional tea ceremony offers a unique insight into the beauty and serenity of tea culture.

Tea in Different Cultures

Tea is integral to the cultures of many countries, each offering its own distinct traditions and customs. In British culture, afternoon tea is a cherished ritual that involves the indulgence of tea accompanied by scones, sandwiches, and pastries. In Morocco, the preparation and serving of mint tea is considered an art form, with the tea poured from a height to create a frothy and aromatic cup. In China, tea is deeply intertwined with the country’s history and is often enjoyed during social gatherings and important occasions. Exploring tea in different cultures allows us to appreciate the diverse ways in which people have embraced and celebrated this beloved beverage.

Tea as a Form of Meditation

For many, tea is not just a beverage but a form of meditation and mindfulness practice. The act of brewing and savoring tea can be a deeply contemplative and calming experience, allowing one to be fully present in the moment and cultivate a sense of inner peace. Tea meditation involves tuning into the sensory aspects of tea, such as the aroma, taste, and texture, with focused attention and appreciation. By integrating tea into your mindfulness routine, you can create a sacred space for self-reflection and relaxation.

JING Tea Experience

Online Store

At JING Tea, we aim to provide a seamless and convenient tea shopping experience through our online store. With just a few clicks, you can explore our extensive range of teas, learn about their origins and flavor profiles, and choose the teas that best suit your preferences. Our website offers detailed product descriptions, brewing instructions, and customer reviews to help you make informed decisions. We strive to make every aspect of your online tea purchase a delight, from browsing our collection to receiving your carefully packaged JING Tea at your doorstep.

Subscription Services

For those who wish to receive a regular supply of their favorite teas, JING Tea offers subscription services. Our tea subscriptions allow you to tailor your tea deliveries according to your preferences, ensuring that you never run out of your beloved brews. You can choose from a range of options, including the frequency of deliveries and the types of tea you wish to receive. Through our subscription services, we make it easy for you to embark on a tea journey, discovering new tastes and expanding your tea collection.

Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are an integral part of JING Tea’s commitment to transparency and customer satisfaction. We encourage our customers to share their experiences, opinions, and feedback on our teas and services. These reviews not only help us understand our customers’ preferences but also provide valuable insights for the tea community as a whole. By reading customer reviews, you can gain a deeper understanding of the flavors, quality, and overall tea experience offered by JING Tea.

In conclusion, JING Tea is a brand dedicated to providing an exceptional, sustainable, and organic tea experience. From our commitment to ethical sourcing and sustainability practices to our diverse range of teas and dedication to customer satisfaction, we strive to exceed expectations and create meaningful connections with tea lovers worldwide. Embrace the JING Tea experience and embark on a journey of discovery, one cup of tea at a time.

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Rob Taylor
Hi there! My name is Rob Taylor, and I am thrilled to share my passion for tea with you on Teahee.co.uk. As a self-proclaimed tea professional, I have dedicated years to expanding my knowledge and expertise in the world of tea. I believe that tea is not just a beverage, but a lifestyle that fosters relaxation, mindfulness, and connection. Throughout my journey, I have had the wonderful opportunity to work with renowned tea experts and enthusiasts. My experience includes collaborating with tea farmers, participating in tea tasting events, and studying the art of tea making in various regions. You can rest assured that the tips and insights I share on Teahee.co.uk are backed by my extensive experience in the tea industry. I strive to provide you with the most accurate and helpful information to enhance your own tea journey. When it comes to tea, I have a strong belief in the importance of quality and sustainability. I am committed to sourcing and recommending teas that are ethically produced, ensuring that both the environment and the tea farmers are respected. In addition to my tea-related work, I am also an active member of the tea community, regularly attending tea seminars and workshops. I am genuinely excited to have the opportunity to connect with fellow tea lovers like yourself. I invite you to explore Teahee.co.uk and join me on this delightful journey of exploring the world of tea. To learn more about my tea adventures, you can connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/rmtaylor1/. Feel free to reach out with any questions or simply to say hello! Cheers, Rob Taylor