tealyra loose leaf tea from around the world 4
tealyra loose leaf tea from around the world 4

At Tealyra, we believe that every cup of tea tells a story. That’s why we source premium loose leaf tea from around the world, bringing you exceptional flavors, unique blends, and an exquisite tea experience. From the misty mountains of China to the lush gardens of Japan, our teas transport you on a journey of taste and aroma. With a commitment to quality and sustainability, we are dedicated to providing you with the finest loose leaf teas that will awaken your senses and elevate your tea-drinking moments. Explore the world of tea with us and savor the diverse flavors that await you.

Tealyra - Loose Leaf Tea From Around The World

About Tealyra

At Tealyra, our mission is to provide tea lovers around the world with the highest quality loose leaf tea. We are passionate about sourcing exceptional teas from various regions and offering them to our customers. Our values revolve around bringing joy, relaxation, and a sense of connection to people through the experience of tea. From our vast selection of teas to our commitment to quality, Tealyra is dedicated to providing an unparalleled tea experience.

Variety of Loose Leaf Tea

Tealyra takes pride in offering a diverse range of loose leaf teas. We carefully hand-select teas from different regions, each with its unique characteristics and flavors. Whether you are a fan of earthy green teas, bold black teas, delicate white teas, rich Oolongs, or soothing herbal blends, we have something for everyone. With over a hundred different teas to choose from, our selection ensures that every tea lover can find their perfect cup.

Global Presence

Tealyra’s reach extends beyond borders, bringing the world of tea to your doorstep. We source teas directly from the regions of origin, maintaining partnerships with tea growers and artisans around the globe. Whether it’s the rolling hills of China, the lush tea estates of India, or the traditional tea houses of Japan, we strive to provide an authentic tea experience that transports you to different corners of the world with every sip.

Quality Guarantee

At Tealyra, quality is our top priority. We go to great lengths to ensure that each tea we offer meets our stringent standards. From the moment the tea leaves are plucked to the final packaging, we are involved in every step of the process. Our teas are grown using sustainable farming practices and are carefully hand-processed to preserve their flavor and aroma. We believe that the best teas require attention to detail and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

Benefits of Loose Leaf Tea

Loose leaf tea offers numerous advantages over tea bags, making it a preferred choice for tea enthusiasts. Here are some of the benefits that make loose leaf tea a cut above the rest:

Enhanced Flavor

Loose leaf teas allow for the full expression of their flavors. Unlike tea bags that often contain smaller and lower quality tea leaves, loose leaf teas consist of whole or large leaf pieces that retain more essential oils and natural flavors. The result is a richer, more nuanced cup of tea that tantalizes your taste buds.

Health Benefits

Drinking tea has been associated with various health benefits, and loose leaf tea is no exception. Packed with antioxidants, loose leaf teas help protect the body against free radicals and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Additionally, certain teas like green tea and herbal blends have been known to promote digestion, boost the immune system, aid in weight management, and support heart health.

Eco-Friendly Packaging

Tealyra is committed to sustainability. Our loose leaf teas are packaged in biodegradable or recyclable materials, significantly reducing our environmental footprint. By choosing loose leaf over tea bags, you are contributing to the reduction of plastic waste and supporting a greener planet.

Customizable Brewing

Loose leaf tea allows you to customize your brewing experience. With the ability to control the amount of tea leaves and steeping time, you can achieve your desired strength and flavor. This flexibility empowers tea lovers to experiment and create their perfect cup, catering to personal preferences and ensuring a consistently enjoyable tea-drinking experience.

Tea Regions and Origins

Tealyra celebrates the rich diversity of tea by offering a wide range of teas from different regions and origins. Here are some of the notable regions known for their tea production:


China is widely regarded as the birthplace of tea and holds a venerable history of tea cultivation. Chinese teas are known for their subtle flavors, delicate aromas, and intricate processing techniques. From the floral notes of Jasmine tea to the grassy flavors of Dragon Well green tea, China offers a vast array of teas that captivate the senses.


India is renowned for its strong and robust teas, notably black teas. Assam and Darjeeling are two of the most famous tea regions in India. Assam teas are prized for their malty and full-bodied flavors, while Darjeeling teas are known for their muscatel and floral characteristics. India’s tea heritage shines through each cup, offering a unique and invigorating experience.


The tea culture in Japan is deeply rooted, with matcha and green teas taking center stage. Japanese teas are characterized by their vibrant green color, umami flavors, and refreshing aromas. From the ceremonial matcha to the everyday sencha, Japanese teas embody a sense of tranquility and harmony that reflects the country’s Zen philosophy.


Taiwan, also known as Formosa, boasts a thriving tea industry that produces exceptional Oolong teas. Taiwanese Oolongs are revered for their complex flavors, ranging from floral and fruity to creamy and roasted. The high mountains and favorable climate of Taiwan result in teas with unique, captivating characteristics that tea connoisseurs adore.

Sri Lanka

Formerly known as Ceylon, Sri Lanka is renowned for its fragrant black teas. The island’s diverse terrain and ideal climatic conditions create an optimal environment for tea cultivation. Ceylon teas exhibit a range of flavors, from brisk and lively to rich and malty. Sri Lanka’s teas embody the warmth and hospitality of the island’s people, offering a delightful tea-drinking experience.


Kenya has emerged as a major player in the global tea market, producing teas known for their brightness and robust flavors. Kenyan black teas often exhibit deep red infusions and possess distinct, full-bodied profiles. The rich volcanic soils and abundant rainfall contribute to the remarkable quality and taste of Kenyan teas.

South Africa

South Africa’s contribution to the world of tea comes in the form of Rooibos. This caffeine-free herbal tea is made from the leaves of the Aspalathus linearis plant. Rooibos tea is celebrated for its smooth, sweet taste, and is enjoyed by those seeking a comforting and soothing beverage.


Vietnam, known for its diverse agricultural output, has become a notable tea producer. Vietnamese teas are gaining recognition for their variety and unique flavor profiles. From fragrant lotus tea to bold black teas, Vietnam offers a delightful selection of teas that showcases the country’s rich cultural heritage.


Argentina’s tea industry thrives in the northern province of Misiones, where it cultivates yerba mate. Mate is a traditional South American beverage enjoyed for its energizing and uplifting qualities. Argentine mate is characterized by its earthy and grassy flavors, making it a popular choice among those seeking a natural boost.


In Turkey, tea occupies a central place in the culture and social fabric. Turkish tea, known as çay, is typically black tea served in small tulip-shaped glasses. It is enjoyed throughout the day, often accompanied by lively conversations and warm hospitality. The distinct brewing method and communal nature of Turkish tea make it an integral part of Turkish culture.

Through our extensive collection of teas from different origins, Tealyra invites you to embark on a journey around the world through your teacup. Discover the flavors, traditions, and stories that each tea region has to offer.

Tealyra - Loose Leaf Tea From Around The World

Popular Types of Loose Leaf Tea

Tealyra offers a wide variety of loose leaf teas, ensuring that there is something to cater to every tea enthusiast’s taste. Here are some of the popular types of loose leaf tea that you can explore in our collection:

Green Tea

Green tea is known for its fresh flavor, vibrant green color, and health benefits. With numerous varieties ranging from floral and vegetal to nutty and grassy, green tea provides a diverse range of flavor profiles to suit different preferences.

Black Tea

Black tea is the most widely consumed type of tea worldwide. It has a robust flavor, often described as malty or smoky, and can be enjoyed plain or with milk and sugar. From classic breakfast blends to single-origin teas, black tea offers a bold and satisfying tea experience.

Oolong Tea

Oolong tea strikes the perfect balance between the crispness of green tea and the richness of black tea. With a wide range of flavors, from delicate and floral to toasty and caramelized, Oolong tea captivates the palate and invites you to savor each steep.

White Tea

White tea is known for its light and delicate flavor, often accompanied by subtle floral or fruity notes. It is the least processed of all teas, featuring young tea buds or leaves that undergo minimal oxidation. White tea offers a refreshing and gentle tea-drinking experience.

Herbal Tea

Herbal teas, also referred to as tisanes, are a caffeine-free alternative made from a variety of herbs, flowers, and fruits. With an assortment of flavors ranging from soothing chamomile to zesty peppermint, herbal teas offer a diverse and comforting tea-drinking experience.

Rooibos Tea

Rooibos tea is a popular choice for those seeking a caffeine-free beverage. With its natural sweetness, distinct reddish color, and smooth flavor, Rooibos offers a comforting and soothing tea experience.

Mate Tea

Mate tea, derived from the leaves of the yerba mate plant, is a traditional South American beverage known for its robust flavor and energy-boosting properties. Mate tea has a distinct earthy and grassy taste, making it a favorite among those in search of a natural stimulant.

Pu-erh Tea

Pu-erh tea is a unique and fermented tea variety that undergoes a maturation process, resulting in its distinct earthy and mellow flavors. Popular in Chinese tea culture, Pu-erh tea is often aged and enjoyed for its complex taste and potential health benefits.


Matcha is a powdered green tea that has gained popularity for its vibrant green color, nuanced flavor, and numerous health benefits. With its ceremonial preparation and vibrant taste, matcha invites you to experience the harmony and elegance of traditional Japanese tea ceremonies.

Chai Tea

Chai tea, a spiced tea blend with roots in India, offers a warm and aromatic experience. Combining black tea with a fragrant mix of spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger, chai tea provides a comforting and invigorating beverage.

With a wide range of flavors, aromas, and health benefits, Tealyra’s selection of loose leaf teas ensures that there is always a perfect cup waiting to be brewed.

Tea Tasting: Exploring Flavors

Tea tasting is a sensory experience that allows you to fully appreciate the nuances of different teas and expand your palate. Here are some basic steps to guide you through the process of tea tasting:

Basic Steps for Tea Tasting

  1. Start with clean and odor-free teaware to ensure that the flavors of the tea remain pure.

  2. Choose a well-lit and quiet environment to focus on the tea tasting experience.

  3. Begin by observing the dry tea leaves. Notice their appearance, shape, and aroma. This initial assessment provides insight into the tea’s quality and potential flavors.

  4. Heat water to the appropriate temperature for the type of tea you are tasting. Different teas require different water temperatures to achieve optimal flavor extraction.

  5. Pour the hot water over the tea leaves and let them steep for the recommended time. This allows the leaves to release their flavors and aromas.

  6. Observe the color of the infusion. It can vary from pale green to deep amber, depending on the type of tea.

  7. Take a moment to appreciate the aroma of the brewed tea. Inhale deeply and note any fragrance or notes that stand out.

  8. Taste the tea, allowing it to coat your entire palate. Pay attention to the flavor profile, texture, and aftertaste. Take your time to fully explore the flavors and nuances that the tea has to offer.

  9. Evaluate the tea based on personal preferences and desired characteristics. Consider factors such as aroma, body, flavor complexity, and balance.

Aroma and Fragrance

The aroma of tea is an essential aspect of the tasting experience. The scent can range from floral and vegetal to fruity or earthy, depending on the type of tea. The aroma not only enhances the overall sensory experience but also provides insight into the tea’s quality and flavor potential.

Each tea variety carries its distinctive fragrance, which can be attributed to the specific terpenes, flavonoids, and other chemical compounds present in the tea leaves. Taking the time to appreciate and identify these aromas adds depth and dimension to the tea tasting experience.

Body and Texture

The body of tea refers to its weight or mouthfeel, which can range from light and delicate to full-bodied and robust. The texture of tea can be silky, creamy, or astringent, depending on the tea’s type and how it was processed.

Teas with a lighter body often provide a refreshing and crisp experience, while full-bodied teas leave a more substantial impression on the palate. The texture of the tea can also impact the overall enjoyment and how the flavors resonate with the taste buds.

Flavor Profiles

Every tea has a unique flavor profile that combines different taste elements, including sweetness, bitterness, acidity, and umami. These flavor components contribute to the overall taste experience and can vary greatly from one tea to another.

For example, green teas tend to exhibit vegetal and grassy flavors, while black teas can be robust, malty, or even smoky. Oolong teas offer a wide range of flavors, from fruity and floral to toasty and caramelized.

Exploring different flavor profiles and identifying specific taste notes enhances the appreciation of tea as a complex and nuanced beverage.

Tea Scoring and Rating

Tea tasting often involves scoring and rating the teas based on various criteria, such as aroma, flavor, body, and overall balance. Professionals and tea connoisseurs may use a standardized scoring system to evaluate teas objectively.

Tealyra takes pride in sourcing teas that are highly rated and harmoniously balanced. We strive to bring you teas that have passed rigorous tasting tests and are sure to delight your palate.

Health Benefits of Loose Leaf Tea

In addition to the exquisite taste and aroma, loose leaf tea offers numerous health benefits. Here are some of the ways that tea can contribute to your well-being:

Antioxidant Properties

Tea is rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body against the damaging effects of free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause oxidative stress and contribute to various health conditions, including inflammation, chronic diseases, and aging.

The antioxidants found in tea, such as catechins in green tea and theaflavins in black tea, have been linked to potential health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease, supporting brain health, and promoting healthy aging.

Boosted Immune System

Tea contains compounds that are thought to enhance the immune system. The catechins found in green tea, for example, have been shown to have antibacterial and antiviral properties. Regularly consuming tea may help strengthen the body’s natural defenses and reduce the risk of infections.

Improved Digestion

Certain teas, such as herbal blends like peppermint and chamomile, have traditionally been used to promote digestion and alleviate digestive discomfort. These teas can help soothe the digestive system, reduce bloating, and promote healthy digestion.

Stress Reduction

Taking a moment to brew and savor a cup of tea can be an excellent way to relax and reduce stress. The ritual of preparing tea, combined with the soothing properties of certain teas like chamomile and lavender, can promote a sense of calm and tranquility. The act of drinking tea mindfully can also be a form of meditation, allowing you to be fully present and find respite from the demands of everyday life.

Weight Management

Tea, particularly green tea, has long been associated with weight management. Green tea has been shown to help boost metabolism and increase fat oxidation, making it a popular beverage among those looking to maintain a healthy weight.

It is important to note that tea alone is not a magic solution for weight loss, but incorporating it into a balanced diet and active lifestyle can support your overall wellness goals.

Heart Health

Regular tea consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease. The flavonoids present in tea, particularly catechins and theaflavins, may help lower cholesterol levels, improve blood flow, and support cardiovascular health.

While enjoying a cup of tea cannot replace a healthy lifestyle and medical advice, incorporating tea into your routine can be a delicious and beneficial addition to a heart-healthy lifestyle.

How to Brew Loose Leaf Tea

Brewing loose leaf tea is an art form that allows you to extract the optimal flavors and aromas from the tea leaves. Here are some essential steps to guide you in brewing the perfect cup of loose leaf tea:

Choosing the Right Tea

Start by selecting the type of loose leaf tea you wish to brew. Each variety requires different brewing parameters, so be sure to follow the specific recommendations for the tea you are using.

Measuring Tea Leaves

Use a teaspoon or a specialized tea measuring spoon to measure the desired quantity of tea leaves. The amount of tea used can vary depending on personal preference and the strength of flavor desired. As a general guideline, use approximately one teaspoon of tea leaves for every six ounces of water.

Water Temperature

The temperature at which you heat the water plays a crucial role in bringing out the flavors of the tea. Different teas have different optimal water temperatures, so it is important to heat the water to the appropriate degree.

As a general rule, delicate teas such as green and white teas require lower water temperatures between 160°F and 180°F (70°C to 82°C). Black teas and robust Oolongs can be brewed with water temperatures between 190°F and 212°F (88°C to 100°C). It is helpful to use a temperature-controlled electric kettle or a thermometer to ensure accuracy.

Steeping Time

Steeping time refers to the duration for which the tea leaves infuse in hot water. The steeping time can vary based on the type of tea and personal preference. It is advisable to follow the recommended steeping time provided with the tea or experiment with steeping times to find the flavor profile that suits your taste.

As a general guideline, delicate teas like green and white teas often require shorter steeping times between one and three minutes. Black teas and Oolongs typically require longer steeping times ranging from three to five minutes. Herbal teas often benefit from longer steeping times to extract the full range of flavors.

Teaware and Infusers

Choosing the right teaware and infusers can greatly enhance the brewing process. Opt for a teapot or brewing vessel that allows the tea leaves ample space to unfurl and release their flavors. Glass teapots are ideal for visually appreciating the tea leaves as they infuse.

Tea infusers, such as stainless steel mesh infusers or tea filters, are essential for preventing loose tea leaves from floating in the cup. These infusers conveniently hold the tea leaves while allowing water to flow through and extract the flavors.

With the right brewing technique and teaware, you can embark on a tea brewing journey that brings out the best in every cup.

Tea Accessories and Gifts

Enhance your tea experience with the perfect tea accessories and explore our selection of tea gifts. Tealyra offers a range of accessories and gift sets that cater to both tea beginners and enthusiasts alike. Here are some tea accessories and gifts to consider:


Choose from a variety of teapots that suit different brewing styles and preferences. Whether you prefer a classic ceramic teapot, a modern glass teapot, or a traditional cast iron teapot, we have options to elevate your tea brewing experience.

Tea Cups and Mugs

Enjoy your tea in style with our collection of tea cups and mugs. From delicate porcelain teacups to sturdy double-walled glass mugs, we have options for every occasion and aesthetic preference.

Infusers and Strainers

Make brewing loose leaf tea a breeze with our selection of tea infusers and strainers. Choose from stainless steel mesh infusers, disposable tea filters, or reusable silicone tea balls to simplify the tea preparation process.

Storage Containers

Properly store your loose leaf teas to maintain the freshness and flavor. Our airtight storage containers and tins help preserve the quality of your teas, ensuring that each cup is as delightful as the first.

Tea Starter Kits

For those new to loose leaf tea, our tea starter kits are the perfect introduction. These curated sets include a selection of teas and all the necessary tools to begin your tea journey with ease and enjoyment.

Tea Gift Sets

Treat yourself or someone special to a tea gift set. Our thoughtfully curated sets combine teas, infusers, and teaware to create a delightful and memorable tea experience. Whether it’s for a birthday, anniversary, or just to show appreciation, our tea gift sets are sure to bring joy to any tea lover.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Tealyra values our customers’ feedback and is proud to share some of their positive experiences and testimonials. Here are a few highlights:

Positive Experiences

Customers have expressed their delight with Tealyra’s diverse selection of teas, exceptional quality, and prompt delivery. Many have commended the richness and authenticity of the flavors, stating that each cup of tea brings them pure enjoyment and relaxation.

Favorite Teas

The reviews highlight several favorite teas, including Dragon Well green tea, Assam black tea, Tie Guan Yin Oolong tea, and our unique herbal blends. Customers have praised these teas for their distinct character, smoothness, and superior taste.

Tea Preparation Tips

Tealyra’s customers often share their tea preparation tips and recommendations in their reviews, offering valuable insights to others looking to enhance their tea experience. Some customers emphasize the importance of water temperature control, steeping times, and teaware selection.

Tealyra’s Customer Service

Customers frequently applaud Tealyra’s exceptional customer service, noting the responsiveness and helpfulness of the Tealyra team. From inquiries about tea recommendations to resolving any concerns, our dedicated customer service strives to provide an outstanding experience.

Tea Recommendations

In addition to their positive experiences, customers often recommend specific teas as must-tries. These recommendations further highlight the wide variety of teas available and the satisfaction of Tealyra’s customers.

At Tealyra, we value our customers’ opinions and strive to continually provide the best possible experience. We are grateful for the feedback and insights shared by our tea-loving community.

Tea Culture and Traditions

Tea has woven itself into the fabric of cultures around the world, with each region embracing its unique tea traditions and practices. Here are some tea cultures and traditions worth exploring:

Morning and Afternoon Tea

The British tradition of afternoon tea is well-known and cherished. Originating in the early 19th century, afternoon tea became an elegant way to bridge the gap between meals and satisfy hunger. Today, afternoon tea involves the indulgence of miniature sandwiches, scones with clotted cream and jam, and an assortment of fine teas.

Similarly, in other cultures, such as India and China, tea plays a prominent role in morning routines. In India, a warm cup of chai tea creates a sense of comfort and invigoration to start the day. Meanwhile, Chinese tea ceremonies foster mindfulness and tranquility, often enjoyed in the early hours.

Tea Ceremonies

Tea ceremonies are ritualistic and meditative practices that showcase the art of tea preparation and consumption. These ceremonies often stem from historical traditions and hold cultural significance.

For example, the Japanese tea ceremony, known as Chanoyu or Sado, embodies harmony, respect, and tranquility. It involves the ceremonial preparation and serving of matcha green tea, with each gesture and movement precisely choreographed.

The Chinese tea ceremony, on the other hand, encompasses various regional practices, each with its unique flair. Gongfu cha, for instance, is a meticulous and time-honored method of brewing Oolong tea using small clay teapots. The ceremony focuses on appreciating the tea’s aromas, flavors, and the art of tea brewing.

These tea ceremonies bring people together, nurturing a sense of unity, mindfulness, and reverence for the tea itself.

Tea Etiquette

Tea etiquette varies across cultures and reflects the values and customs of a particular region. Whether it is the delicate handling of a teacup or the specific way to prepare and serve tea, tea etiquette adds elegance and tradition to the tea-drinking experience.

In British tea culture, for example, raising the pinky finger while holding a teacup is considered a faux pas. In Chinese tea culture, it is customary to hold the teacup with both hands as a sign of respect and gratitude.

Understanding and appreciating tea etiquette can enhance your tea experience and allow you to immerse yourself in the cultural traditions surrounding tea.

Tea in Different Cultures

Tea holds a special place in many cultures, often representing hospitality, celebration, and genuine connection. In Morocco, mint tea is a sign of welcome and is served ceremoniously to guests, while in Russia, tea is enjoyed throughout the day, often accompanied by pastries and sweets.

In Japan, the tea house is an integral part of Japanese culture, serving as a space for contemplation and spiritual reflection. In Argentina and Uruguay, mate tea serves as a symbol of camaraderie and is shared amongst friends and family.

By exploring the tea traditions of different cultures, we gain insight into their values, heritage, and the central role that tea plays in fostering togetherness.

Tea and Mindfulness

Tea has long been associated with mindfulness and the art of slowing down. Taking the time to prepare and savor a cup of tea invites us to be present in the moment, cultivating a sense of calm and appreciation.

Practicing mindfulness while drinking tea involves engaging all the senses, from observing the tea leaves to inhaling the aroma and fully savoring each sip. This mindful tea experience can promote relaxation, stress reduction, and a deeper connection with oneself.

Tea acts as a gentle reminder to pause, breathe, and savor the beauty and serenity of the present moment.

Tealyra celebrates tea not only for its delightful flavors and health benefits but also for its ability to bridge cultures and foster meaningful connections. Join us in exploring tea culture and traditions to create a richer tea experience for yourself and others.

Tealyra – Loose Leaf Tea from Around the World

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John Richard
Hello, tea lovers! My name is John Richard, and I am honored to be a part of the tea community here at Tea Hee. As an Tea Consultant and Tea Expert, I have dedicated my life to exploring the vast world of tea and sharing my knowledge and passion with others. With several esteemed prizes and awards under my belt, I am humbled to have been recognized for my expertise in the industry. This recognition has further fueled my commitment to providing you with the highest quality tea experiences and helping you discover new flavors and sensations. With a wealth of experience in the tea industry, I have had the pleasure of working with renowned tea masters and tea gardens from around the globe. This has allowed me to develop a deep understanding of the intricate art of tea cultivation, processing, and brewing techniques, which I am thrilled to share with you through our carefully curated tea selections.