when is the british meal called tea served 3
when is the british meal called tea served 3

Nothing beats a good cuppa, especially when accompanied by delicious delicacies.

We all love to dig into a plate of scones or sandwiches, but have you ever wondered when the British meal called ‘tea’ is served?

Well, we’re here to spill the beans and give you a taste of teatime’s delightful tradition in the UK. Get ready to savour the secrets of this beloved culinary ritual!

When Is The British Meal Called tea Served?

What is ‘tea’ in Britain?

In Britain, the term ‘tea’ refers to a beloved mealtime tradition that involves the consumption of the famous hot beverage and various delectable treats and snacks. It is a time for people to come together, relax, and enjoy each other’s company over a cuppa. ‘Tea’ can describe different types of meals depending on the context and the time of day. It is a quintessentially British custom that has been cherished for centuries.

Definition of ‘tea’

When we refer to ‘tea’ in Britain, we are not talking about drinking Tea alone. Instead, it encompasses a complete meal experience that typically includes tea consumption and various sweet and savoury snacks. The term ‘tea’ has evolved to represent different meal times throughout the day, each with its customs and traditions.

Commonly referred to as ‘Afternoon tea

The term ‘tea’ is commonly used to refer to what is known as ‘Afternoon tea. This particular meal is steeped in tradition and refers to a bygone era of elegance and refinement. Afternoon tea is a leisurely affair usually enjoyed between lunch and dinner, providing a delightful interlude to the day. It is typically served with finger sandwiches, scones, cakes, and pastries, all accompanied by freshly brewed Tea.

Variations of ‘tea’ in Britain

In addition to Afternoon tea, there are several other variations of ‘tea’ in Britain, each with unique characteristics and customs. These include Traditional Tea Time, High Tea, Cream Tea, Lunch Tea, Elevenses, Brunch, and Dinner Tea or High Tea. These variations offer different culinary experiences and are enjoyed at various times of the day.

Traditional Tea Time

Origins of Traditional Tea Time

Traditional tea time has its roots in the 19th century, when Anna, the Duchess of Bedford, introduced the concept of afternoon tea to curb hunger between lunch and a late dinner. The tradition quickly caught on among the upper class and eventually became widespread across Britain.

Typical time for traditional tea time

Traditional tea time is typically observed in the early evening, around 4:00 or 5:00 PM. It serves as a prelude to dinner and provides a refreshing break later in the day. It is not meant to be a heavy meal but rather a light repast to relieve hunger until dinner is served.

Components of Traditional Tea Time

During traditional tea time, delicate finger sandwiches, such as cucumber and smoked salmon, are served alongside freshly baked scones with clotted cream and jam. Additionally, an assortment of small pastries and cakes, like éclairs and macarons, are offered to satisfy any lingering sweet tooth. Of course, no traditional tea time would be complete without a piping hot pot of Tea, typically served with milk and accompanied by sugar cubes and lemon slices.

High Tea

Definition of High Tea

Contrary to popular belief, High Tea is not a more sophisticated or refined version of afternoon tea. It is a heartier meal that originated among the working class during the Industrial Revolution. High Tea typically includes a variety of hot dishes and is served at a higher table, hence the name.

Origin and Purpose of High Tea

High Tea initially emerged as a substantial evening meal for those who worked long hours and didn’t have the luxury of enjoying an elaborate dinner. It was intended to be a more substantial and filling repast, incorporating savoury and sweet items, to sustain individuals until the following day.

Typical time for High Tea

High Tea is usually served between 5:00 and 6:00 PM, making it a revered supper-time tradition for many British households. The timing allows for a satisfying and substantial meal after a long work day.

Characteristics of High Tea

High Tea often consists of hearty dishes such as meat pies, casseroles, baked beans, quiches, and cheeses. It is usually accompanied by freshly brewed Tea in larger pots and a variety of bread and butter. While sweets are not the main focus of High Tea, they may still be enjoyed as a pleasant finale to the meal.

Afternoon Tea

Definition of Afternoon Tea

Afternoon Tea is perhaps Britain’s most well-known and cherished variation of ‘tea’. It is characterized by its dainty and elegant presentation and the array of sweet and savoury delicacies that are typically served.

Origin and Evolution of Afternoon Tea

Afternoon Tea can be traced back to the 19th century when ladies of the upper class would gather in the afternoon to enjoy Tea and light refreshments. It started as a private social event but eventually became a social norm transcending social classes.

Typical time for Afternoon Tea

Afternoon Tea is traditionally enjoyed between 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM, providing a delightful break during the afternoon. It is often seen as a way to relax and rejuvenate, whether in the comfort of one’s home or at a charming tea room.

Components of Afternoon Tea

Afternoon Tea consists of a delightful assortment of finger sandwiches, such as cucumber, smoked salmon, or egg and cress. Scones with clotted cream and jam are a quintessential part of the experience, perfectly complemented by a range of delicate pastries, cakes, and biscuits. The tea selection is an essential aspect of Afternoon Tea, with a wide variety of loose-leaf teas, ranging from delicate Earl Grey to robust Assam.

When Is The British Meal Called tea Served?

Cream Tea

Definition of Cream Tea

Cream Tea is a simpler and pared-down version of Afternoon Tea that focuses primarily on enjoying scones with clotted cream and jam, accompanied by a cup of Tea.

Origin and Significance of Cream Tea

Cream Tea originated in the West Country of England, particularly in Devon and Cornwall. It became a custom in these regions to serve scones with clotted cream and jam as a mid-afternoon treat, often enjoyed outdoors during the summer months.

Typical time for Cream Tea

Cream Tea is typically enjoyed in the late afternoon, usually between 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM. It is a delightful way to enjoy a satisfying treat during a leisurely afternoon.

Components of Cream Tea

Cream Tea revolves around scones, which can be plain or flavoured with raisins, currants, or other dried fruit. The scones are split in half and generously topped with clotted cream and jam. A cup of tea with the scones adds the perfect touch to this uncomplicated yet delicious ritual.

Lunch Tea

Definition of Lunch Tea

Lunch Tea is a lighter meal option that is enjoyed during the lunchtime hours. It incorporates the idea of Tea alongside a selection of savoury dishes.

Origin and purpose of Lunch Tea

Lunch Tea has become a popular alternative to a heavy lunch in recent years, offering a more balanced and varied dining experience. It provides an opportunity to enjoy a light meal while still being able to savour a cup of Tea.

Typical time for Lunch Tea

Lunch Tea is typically served between 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM, coinciding with the lunch hours. It provides a pleasant alternative to a traditional lunch, allowing individuals to enjoy a satisfying yet manageable meal.

Characteristics of Lunch Tea

Lunch Tea’s components often consist of savoury dishes, such as quiches, salads, sandwiches, and soups. This lighter meal is accompanied by a cup of Tea, allowing for a delightful combination of flavours and textures.

When Is The British Meal Called tea Served?


Definition of Elevenses

Elevenses is a mid-morning break that involves a light snack and a cup of Tea. It is the perfect pick-me-up during the late morning hours.

Origin and Purpose of Elevenses

The term ‘Elevenses’ comes from having a small, elevating snack to keep energy levels up until lunchtime. It originated as a way for workers and labourers to take a short break and refuel before continuing their tasks.

Typical time for Elevenses

Elevenses are typically enjoyed between 11:00 AM and 11:30 AM, providing a welcome respite during the morning hours. It is a cherished tradition for those seeking relaxation and indulgence.

Components of Elevenses

Elevenses often consist of a small pastry, such as a croissant or a Danish, and a hot cup of Tea. It is a delightful mid-morning treat, offering a burst of flavour and energy to carry individuals through until lunchtime.


Definition of Brunch

Brunch combines breakfast and lunch, often enjoyed during the late morning or early afternoon. It provides an opportunity to indulge in a leisurely and satisfying meal.

Origin and Evolution of Brunch

Brunch is believed to have originated in England in the late 19th century and quickly gained popularity among the upper class. It was a way to extend the Sunday morning meal and allow for a more relaxed, informal dining experience.

Typical time for Brunch

Brunch is typically enjoyed between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM, serving as a delightful mid-morning or early afternoon meal option. It allows for a more flexible and relaxed start to the day, blending the best elements of breakfast and lunch.

Components of Brunch

Brunch encompasses a wide range of dishes, from classic breakfast items like eggs, bacon, and sausages to more lunch-oriented options like sandwiches, salads, and even pasta dishes. Tea is often served alongside the meal, providing a refreshing and invigorating beverage to accompany the diverse flavours and textures.

When Is The British Meal Called tea Served?

Dinner Tea or High Tea

Definition of Dinner Tea or High Tea

Dinner Tea, or High Tea, is a more substantial meal enjoyed in the early evening hours. It is typically served as the main meal of the day and incorporates a variety of hot dishes.

Origin and Significance of Dinner Tea

Dinner Tea emerged as a hearty evening meal option, particularly in northern Britain and among working-class communities. It served as a more substantial alternative to a lighter supper.

Typical time for Dinner Tea

Dinner Tea is typically served between 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM, making it the last main meal of the day for many families. It is a time to come together, enjoy a satisfying meal, and unwind after a busy day.

Components of Dinner Tea

Dinner Tea often consists of meat dishes, vegetables, potatoes, and other side dishes. This substantial meal is typically followed by a dessert, such as fruit pies or crumbles, and, of course, a cup of Tea to round off the meal.


The concept of ‘tea’ in Britain encompasses a rich tapestry of traditions and customs, each with distinctive characteristics and historical significance.

Whether it’s the refined elegance of Afternoon Tea, the heartiness of High Tea, or the simplicity of Cream Tea, these various meal times offer something for everyone. From Elevenses to Dinner Tea, the joy of sharing a cup of Tea and indulging in delicious treats transcends time and continues to adapt to modern lifestyles.

So, the next time you find yourself in Britain, experience the diverse pleasures of ‘tea’ in all its delightful variations.

When Is The British Meal Called tea Served?

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John Richard
Hello, tea lovers! My name is John Richard, and I am honored to be a part of the tea community here at Tea Hee. As an Tea Consultant and Tea Expert, I have dedicated my life to exploring the vast world of tea and sharing my knowledge and passion with others. With several esteemed prizes and awards under my belt, I am humbled to have been recognized for my expertise in the industry. This recognition has further fueled my commitment to providing you with the highest quality tea experiences and helping you discover new flavors and sensations. With a wealth of experience in the tea industry, I have had the pleasure of working with renowned tea masters and tea gardens from around the globe. This has allowed me to develop a deep understanding of the intricate art of tea cultivation, processing, and brewing techniques, which I am thrilled to share with you through our carefully curated tea selections.